
my name is


my pronouns are




How to pronounce my name

'Kit George' is pronounced

kIT G ORge /kɪt ʤɔːʤ/
This is how I pronounce my own name when speaking English.
How to use my name

My full name

Kit George
If you're adding me to a list of names, please use this name.

Personal name

This is the name I want to be addressed by during a conversation.
What I look like
How to use my pronouns
To speak about a person in English, you don't need to know their gender but you do need to know which pronouns to use. This information can't be determined from a person's name or what they look like, so we include it on everyone's page.


Kit is a book-lover.

They are about to finish reading a book.

Books are a good gift for them.

That is their third book this month!

Your book collection is smaller than theirs.

They are taking some time for themself to read.


Kit is a book-lover.

He is about to finish reading a book.

Books are a good gift for him.

That is his third book this month!

Your book collection is smaller than his.

He is taking some time for himself to read.


Kit is a book-lover.

E is about to finish reading a book.

Books are a good gift for em.

That is eir third book this month!

Your book collection is smaller than eirs.

E is taking some time for emself to read.

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