About name.pn

Like most useful products, name.pn was born out of necessity. Developer Quinn name.pn/quinn-daley is trans & non-binary and uses they/them pronouns and needed a nice way to share how to use those pronouns with business contacts.

These days we do a lot of our communicating electronically. We can see a person's name a dozen times and

  • never learn how to pronounce it the way they want it to be pronounced,
  • not know what pronouns to use when talking about them in the third person,
  • want to address them formally but not know what title to use (or even if they want to be addressed by a title),
  • hear them being called by a shortened version of their name and not know if they actually like it.

name.pn was created to give each person a short URL that you can put in your email signature and your social profiles that gives people all the information they need to address you correctly, including a chance to hear you pronouncing your name in your own voice.

It's free and always will be (although we might add some cool additional paid features in the future for businesses). It's still early in development but it works and it's ready to use now.

Sign up for your free name.pn page

Working in the open

name.pn is an open source product and we are working in the open.

We welcome contributions to our roadmap, including bug reports, feature requests and even code changes! Follow the links below for more information.

Report a bug or make a feature request

See what's coming up next on our roadmap

Read about how you can contribute to name.pn

Browse our source code on GitHub

Get in touch

If you'd like to report an issue or feature request, please use our issues board. But to get in touch for any other reason, our email address is below.

[email protected]